Injection moulds for household appliances.

For more than 30 years we have been working for the houshold appliances industry. Today we are the "preferred supplier " for the main companies on the international market.

Thanks to the use of new technologies and engineering approach we could help our customers to reduce significantly cycletime for the production of high quality plastic parts ( up to 35%).

During these years we produced injection moulds, single- or multicavity, for almost all plastic parts which are used in refrigerators, washing machines or dishwasher machines.

Typically we are able to cover the following range of services:

  • (Co-) development of parts and modules;
  • Production of injection moulds for fast cycletime and high production quantities;
  • Complete testing of the moulds with special Injection moulding machines in our own test department;
  • Pre-production of parts;
  • Small series production;
  • Installation and setup at customer site world wide with extensive on site training;
  • 24 h assistance and spare part delivery service.

Tel: ++39 0731 702960 | Fax: ++39 0731 703202